Knitting Girl's Lovely Knitting: Pure Harmony Neck Warmer

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pure Harmony Neck Warmer

I made this neck warmer over the weekend. It is in basket weave stitch, which makes it a very easy knit, but still interesting looking. This pattern is via ravelry. It only used about 50 grams of yarn, 3 buttons and a little bit of sewing thread...
I'm planning on doing a hat in the same stitch as well... Maybe I'll have to get some more red yarn... It was originally meant for my Royal Ruby Winter Set... But it might not be enough to create a hat, a pair of gloves ánd a pair of mittens... I'll keep you updated.


  1. I love the neck warmer. would you please share the directions? Thanks

  2. Hi! The directions are for sale through ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pure-harmony-neck-warmer
