Knitting Girl's Lovely Knitting: All these ideas and projects...

Saturday, April 03, 2010

All these ideas and projects...

Lately, I had a lot of knitting pattern/project ideas, but like always probably not enough time to finish all of them within a short time span. I'm (still!) knitting a sweater I started working on last summer. I posted the photo below in december, but now as you can see the sweater is really looking like something wearable already. Don't worry about the small neck line, my circular needle was a little short, but I don't have another of the same diameter, and I like the ease of knitting with a circular needle in stead of 4 DP needles.

And I also bought some new supplies for my new projects. I bought a ball of purple yarn to knit a pair of knee high socks. I already thought of some patterning I´d like to have, but I´m not sure how I´m going to work around the diminishing stitches for the ankle.

And I also bought this lovely off white/beige yarn. I saw a nice vest at Vero Moda, and I want it to be something like that, but I still have to make a pattern for it. I'm focussing on finishing the sweater first before I start another big project. Oh, and the green ball of yarn, I got that for free as shop had an offer of getting 3 skeins, paying for 2, so I got 6 skeins ;).

And I bought fabric at the market. I want to knit a bag. I already ordered bag handles and I'm still waiting for the shipping. Maybe I'm going to sell the bag, I don't know yet. And it's going to be off white.

This is just a detail view of the fabric I got...

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