Knitting Girl's Lovely Knitting: My Turtle Neck Sweater is growing...

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My Turtle Neck Sweater is growing...

Last few days, I've been working on the turtle neck sweater I started last summer. I really want to finish it now, because otherwise I maybe won't finish at all. I made a plan for the knitting of the shoulder seems and the neck line. I'm knitting on that now. I'll take some pictures while doing that, so you can see my progress.

At the moment it's like this...

I still have to knit some whole rounds (4, I think) before I can start leaving out some stitches for the neck.

Update: It is finally starting to look like something! I finished one shoulder. I'm really pleased with it, as it is exactly as I wanted it to be like :).

And the other shoulder, that something for tomorrow, or the day after or whenever I have time for it. It's bed time now :(... Days just don't have enough hours in my opinion.

I'll update you later on this time consuming project ;)

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