Knitting Girl's Lovely Knitting: Cardigan and Hand Bag

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Cardigan and Hand Bag

It's progessing,... The cardigan I mean. I'm almost at the arm pits now, and I have to take off of the needle to see whether it will fit or not. Meanwhile (because I couldn't push my self to take the cardigan off the needles) I knit a hand bag on my new 7mm needles. I used off white yarn (same as the beret. I got 4 pairs of bag handles a while ago, but only 2 are delivered yet. Hope the other 2 pair will arrive soon, since I bought new yarn today already. I'm knitting a hand bag. Yes again. The one I just made, I made a promiss that I would try to sell that one, and I will. But I saw this really nice colored yarn (it's coral color I think), and I just couldn't resist. I'm going to make a slightly bigger bag that the one I made already. Besides, the first one isn't finished either. I still have to sew the lining for that, but thats not that much work I think. And for my new bag, I got some hook to make a detachable strap for it. I'm just wondering, does anyone have an idea how to keep bag straps for stretching after a while? I was thinking of knitting some plastic string into it, but I'm not sure...


  1. Urrrm... make it a little bit shorter then you want and the stretch it on purpose? Then it will be the right size and should be all 'stretched out' and not be annoying and stretch more.

  2. I've often knitted the straps double width, then fold them in half and sew a length of ribbon inside. That helps to stop them stretching.
